Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Gender in the Colonial period Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Gender in the Colonial period - Essay Example For instance, mothers were trusted and expected to pass along the teachings of the Puritans and Christianity to the children. Husbands could, and often did, entrust their wives to handle various legal and financial matters of the household or family farm but the extent of power the wife possessed always remained at her husband’s discretion. Wives that happily accepted their role and conformed to Puritan societal standards were openly referred to and addressed as ‘goodwife.’ However, the authoritative figure in the family and throughout all facets of Puritan society was clearly the man. The only role that wives served in the male dominated public psyche was caring for children and completing household chores, at all times subordinate to their husbands. Though it was customary for Puritan men to show a general respect for women and they were thought of as handy helpmates in the household, the majority of men were deeply suspicious of women. Thought of as the physica l, intellectual and emotionally weaker gender, they were thus more likely to give in to the temptations of the Devil. Women were the images of Eve, lustful for sexual gratification, power and money. This common view of Puritan men â€Å"made women susceptible to charges of witchcraft, particularly those who stood to inherit large estates that would have endowed them with uncommon economic influence† (Karlsen, 1987: 52). The Puritan ideology included an intense belief that the devil endeavored to tempt Christians from following God’s laws. According to Puritanical beliefs, they are responsible to observe and then eliminate the presence of evil in society. â€Å"The problems that the first... This research paper tells us about the role of a woman during the period of Puritanical system. The authoritative figure in the family and throughout all facets of Puritan society was clearly the man. The only role that wives served in the male dominated public psyche was caring for children and completing household chores, at all times subordinate to their husbands. Thought of as the physical, intellectual and emotionally weaker gender, they were thus more likely to give in to the temptations of the Devil. Women were the images of Eve, lustful for sexual gratification, power and money. The Puritan ideology included an intense belief that the devil endeavored to tempt Christians from following God’s laws. According to Puritanical beliefs, they are responsible to observe and then eliminate the presence of evil in society. In the early days, immediately following the Puritans’ arrival in America, women exercised some considerable freedom, especially if unmarried, to take up professional positions among the colonies. As the educational requirements for these types of positions increased, women’s inability to obtain the proper education prevented them from entering these fields. Because women were not generally sent to higher education centers, typically obtaining only the ability to read among their other subjects which rotated around becoming a good housewife and mother, most women were forced to work in professions that consisted of factory labor, home maintenance (maids), seamstresses or other menial tasks.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Analysis of Conan Doyles work Essay Example for Free

Analysis of Conan Doyles work Essay English coursework : A comparative essay on 2 Sherlock Holmes stories  The world has chosen to remember Sir Arthur Conan Doyle chiefly for his creation of the fictional master detective, Sherlock Holmes. This prestigious character has been hugely popular for over one hundred years shown in many different ways, whether it be books, television series, magazine articles, and so on.  Conan Doyle himself was born in Edinburgh, rather than the London setting that Sherlock Holmes lives and works. He actually set out to be an oculist, however when no patients came he had plenty of time to write his stories. Around the same time, The Strand magazine was first published, and Sherlock Holmes was printed for the first time in its pages. His stories were not long enough to be books of their own, and thrived as a regular part of their magazine. The Sherlock Holmes stories are written in a very upper class setting. Watson and Holmes take cabs everywhere, and have very high class mannerisms and habits, such as leaving a calling card if the person they have visited is not there. And Holmes himself carries round a cane with him a rather posh acquirement thought to be that of a gentleman. They also have a resident in the home to look after them both, and take care of the household, which could of course only be afforded by those of the higher class.  The fact that these stories were written in such a way is easily explained. The stories were written for the magazine, The Strand. In those times, very little people read magazines, and could afford to subscribe. Most people read newspapers, but these magazines were aimed at the higher class, and particularly for the gentleman, because a very small number of women were expected to be able to read, and so they did not benefit from such a publication. The Speckled Band and, The Red-Headed League are both very interesting stories. The structures of both are much the same, but that accounts for all of Conan Doyles creations in accordance to the Sherlock Holmes stories.  In accordance to this structure, The Speckled Band begins with a visit to the house from someone needing Holmess help. An element included right at the beginning of the story is the deduction Holmes makes of Helen. This is extremely typical of Conan Doyle as it is a feature he nearly always adds as each of his stories unfold. In The Speckled Band Holmes instantly deduces that she travelled early by dog cart on heavy roads to the station before travelling by train to London. The next lines describe Helen giving a violent start and staring at Holmes in bewilderment. This is also underlyingly very typical of Conan Doyle to include such a description, as it what he includes in all of his stories at this point. In direct comparison, The Red Headed League features a swift deduction of Jabez Wilson in which he concludes that the man done at some point manual labour, takes snuff, has a freemason, has been in China, and has done a considerable amount of writing recently. The line directly following on from that is set out exactly the same as in The Speckled Band and describes Jabez to Start up in his chair, with his forefinger upon the paper, but his eyes upon Holmes So we can conclude from this that this is an element Conan Doyle likes to include in his stories which also suitably gives a first time reader an idea of the way Holmess mind works.  Following on from that, a long monologue is heard which tells every detail of the story. This is unusual in stories written now. We can note that in real life no one tells a story in such detail, uninterrupted, and this reflects tracts of today. But it is actually very typical of writings at the time.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Comparing Romeo and Juliet and Much Ado About Nothing Essay -- Compare

Comparing Romeo and Juliet and Much Ado About Nothing As illustrated by the two plays Romeo and Juliet and Much Ado About Nothing, William Shakespeare was a true romantic. In each play, his characters suffer great hardship, but in the end, he delivers them to a life of eternal love. Characters plot against each other in each play. The relationships of the people in his plays are not always what they seem. Whether it be a tragedy or a comedy, Shakespeare encompasses three elements into his plays: love, intrigue, and identity. Love is the biggest theme in both Romeo and Juliet and Much Ado About Nothing. In both plays, hate acts as a force that attempts to tear both lovers apart, but their love holds them together. In Romeo and Juliet, the two lovers’ families hate one another. As a result, Romeo and Juliet are not allowed to see each other so they have to meet in secret. Despite their families’ attempting to interfere, Romeo and Juliet end up with one another for eternity in the after-life. In Much Ado About Nothing, Claudio and Hero plan to be married. Don John deceives Claudio into believing Hero is having an affair with one of his men. Claudio then calls off the wedding. When he discovers the truth, they marry immediately. In both plays love is the bond that holds the lovers together, in spite of many obstacles the two face. Intrigue is shown in both plays by the characters that act as liaisons between the lovers. For example, Romeo and Juliet cannot simply go out ...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

My Fathers Heart Attack Essay -- Personal Narrative Heart Attack Medi

My Father's Heart Attack In March of 1998, my father was rushed to the hospital because of a heart attack. I remember getting home from basketball practice without my mother home. Instead, my sister was there with her children. The fact that my sister was there was familiar to me, but something did not seem right. My sister stayed with me and did not tell me what happened. Later that night, after my sister left, the news that followed would prepare me to encounter the most defining moment of my life. She told me that mom needed to tell me something. She proceeded to tell me that my father had had a heart attack and that I had a choice to come down to the hospital or not to come. She told me it was a scary sight, and if I didn?t think I could handle it that I should stay home. I was overwhelmed with fear and grief at that moment that my mind just stopped working. I remember thinking all I wanted was to be with my mom and my dad. I showed up at the hospital about thirty minutes later. I was so scared and did not know what to expect. I did not know if my father was dead, ...

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Who Killed Reconstruction?

North or South: Who Killed Reconstruction? Harper’s Weekly September 1, 1868 Harper’s Weekly September 1, 1868 â€Å"Is This a Republican Form of Government? Is This Protecting Life, Liberty, or Property? † â€Å"Is This a Republican Form of Government? Is This Protecting Life, Liberty, or Property? † Overview: The twelve years after the Civil War proved to be a difficult time for America. Called Reconstruction by historians, this era saw an increase of freedom for former slaves. However, there was also great resistance to change.In 1877 attempts to reconstruct the South officially ended, leaving white-only governments in power. This DBQ asks you to decide who, North or South, was most responsible for the end of Reconstruction Background Essay North or South: Who Killed Reconstruction †¦ the slave went free; stood a brief moment in the sun; then moved back again toward slavery. -W. E. B. Dubois 1876 was an exciting year for America. It was the 100th a nniversary of The Declaration of Independence and America was on the move. Homesteaders and ranchers were filling up the land west of the Mississippi River.Railroads were being built at an astounding rate. It seemed the United States was creating enough opportunity that all Americans and millions of immigrants could pursue their hopes for happiness just as Thomas Jefferson had envisioned 100 years earlier. So it is a great irony of history that the election of 1876 officially crushed the American dream for millions of black Americans. This election saw Rutherford B. Hayes, the Republican candidate and eventual winner, square off against Samuel J. Tilden, the Democratic nominee. Although Tilden won the popular ote by a wide margin, election results in Florida, South Carolina, and Louisiana were so close that a winner could not be determined. If these three states went for Hayes, he would win the Electoral College vote and become President. Talk of a new Civil War was in the air as th e opponents in the disputed states submitted separate sets of electoral ballots. An informal agreement, now called The Compromise of 1877, avoided the crisis by granting Hayes the Presidency. In return, Hayes promised to remove the last Federal soldiers from the South, almost guaranteeing that all-white governments would rise to power.The dream of Reconstruction was officially dead. For a while, however, it had seemed that the dream of Reconstruction might be realized. The 13th Amendment ended slavery. The 14th Amendment gave black Americans citizenship and civil rights. A Military Reconstruction Act was passed to make sure African-Americans' new rights were protected. Black churches were founded. Public schools were built for black children, and universities like Howard, Fisk, Morehouse, and Hampton were founded for black students seeking higher education.Sixteen African-Americans were elected to Congress and numerous others served at state and local levels. Finally, the 15th Amend ment was ratified making it illegal to deny someone the right to vote based on race. Indeed, real progress was made. However, in the early 1870s, the tide shifted. Southern states began to elect governments dedicated to whites-only rule. Between 1870 and 1876 all but three Southern states turned back Reconstruction efforts. When Rutherford B. Hayes agreed to remove federal soldiers, he was simply putting an end to an already dying effort.But dying or dead, what had gone wrong? Your job is to read the documents that follow and answer the question: North or South: Who killed Reconstruction? 1. Why was 1876 an important year for America? 2. Who ran for President in 1876? What were their political parties? 3. An â€Å"irony† is something you don't expect, something that doesn't seem to fit. What was the irony of history that occurred in 1876? 4. What was the Compromise of 1877? Who got what? 5. Describe each of the following Amendments to the Constitution. a. 13th Amendment: b. 1 4th Amendment: . 15th Amendment: Document A Source: In the years following the Civil War – throughout the South -state, city, and town governments passed laws to restrict the rights of free African-American men and women. These laws were often called â€Å"Black Codes. † The example below of â€Å"Black Codes† comes from laws passed in Opelousas, Louisiana immediately after the Civil War. ————————————————- 1. â€Å"No negro or freedmen shall be allowed to come within the limits of the town of Opelousas without special permission from his employers.Whoever breaks this law will go to jail and work for two days on the public streets, or pay a fine of five dollars. † ————————————————- —————— Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- 2. â€Å"No negro or freedman shall be permitted to rent or keep a house in town under any circumstances. No negro or freedman shall live within the town who does not work for some white person or former owner. † ————————————————- ————————————————- 3. No public meetings of negroes or freedmen shall be allowed within the town. † ————————————————- ————————————————- 4. â€Å"No freedman shall be allowed to carry firearms, or any kind of weapons. No freedman s hall sell or exchange any article of merchandise within the limits of Opelousas without permission in writing from his employer. † ————————————————- ————————————————- 5. â€Å"Every negro is to be in the service of (work for) some white person, or former owner. Document Analysis How did black codes restrict the freedom of freedmen? Document B Document Analysis Based on the document above and your knowledge of U. S. history, what was the real end result of sharecropping? Document C Source: Albion Tourgee, Letter on Ku Klux Klan Activities. New York Tribune, May 1870. Note: Tourgee was a white, Northern soldier who settled in North Carolina after the War. He served as a judge during Reconstruction and wrote this letter to the North Carolina Republican Senato r, Joseph Carter Abbott. ————————————————- ———————————————— It is my mournful duty to inform you that our friend John W. Stephens, State Senator from Caswell, is dead. He was foully murdered by the Ku-Klux in the Grand Jury room of the Court House on Saturday†¦ He was stabbed five or six times, and then hanged on a hook in the Grand Jury room†¦ Another brave, honest Republican citizen has met his fate at the hands of these fiends†¦ ————————————————- I have very little doubt that I shall be one of the next victims. My steps ave been dogged for months, and only a good opportunity has been wanting to secure to me the fate which Stephens has just met†¦ I say to you plainly that any member of Congress who, especially if from the South, does not support, advocate, and urge immediate, active, and thorough measures to put an end to these outrages†¦is a coward, a traitor, or a fool. ————————————————- Source: Independent Monitor, September 1, 1868. Document Analysis What group(s) is the KKK threatening? According to Tourgee, what types of people are being attacked by the KKK?Why would the KKK attack these people? How do these documents help answer the DBQ question? Document C Source: Abram Colby, testimony to a joint House and Senate Committee in 1872. Note: Colby was a former slave who was elected to the Georgia State legislature during Reconstruction. ————————————————- Colby: On the 29th of Oct ober 1869, [the Klansmen] broke my door open, took me out of bed, took me to the woods and whipped me three hours or more and left me for dead. They said to me, â€Å"Do you think you will ever vote another damned Radical ticket? I said, â€Å"If there was an election tomorrow, I would vote the Radical ticket. † They set in and whipped me a thousand licks more, with sticks and straps that had buckles on the ends of them. ————————————————- ————————————————- Question: What is the character of those men who were engaged in whipping you? ————————————————- ——————————— Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- Colby: Some are first-class men in our town. One is a lawyer, one a doctor, and some are farmers†¦ They said I had voted for Grant and had carried the Negroes against them.About two days before they whipped me they offered me $5,000 to go with them and said they would pay me $2,500 in cash if I would let another man go to the legislature in my place. I told them that I would not do it if they would give me all the county was worth†¦ No man can make a free speech in my county. I do not believe it can be done anywhere in Georgia. Source: Harper’s Weekly, October 21, 1876. Caption: â€Å"Of Course he wants to vote the Democratic ticket. † Document Analysis Why did the KKK attack Abram Colby? According to Colby, what types of people make up the KKK? What seems to be the ultimate goal of the KKK?What is the main idea of the cartoon? Document D Source: Gerald Danzer et al. , The Americans, McDougall Littell, 1998. —— ——————————————- †¦ in the 1870s, Northern voters grew indifferent to events in the South. Weary of the ‘Negro Question' and ‘sick of carpet-bag' government, many Northern voters shifted their attention to such national concerns as the Panic of 1873 and corruption in Grant's administration†¦. Although political violence continued in the South†¦ the tide of public opinion in the North began to turn against Reconstruction policies.Source: Kenneth Stampp, The Era of Reconstruction, 1865-1877, Vintage, 1967. ————————————————- Meanwhile southern Democrats gained strength when Congress finally removed the political disabilities from most of the prewar leadership. In May 1872, because of pressure from the Liberal Republican, Congress passed a general amnesty act which restored the right of office holding [and voting] to the vast majority of those who had been disqualified†¦After the passage of this act only a few hundred ex-Confederates remained unpardoned. Document AnalysisExplain the phrases â€Å"weary of the ‘Negro Question’† and â€Å"‘sick of carpet-bag’ government. † Why might increased anger about the corruption in government lead to less interest in government attempts to reconstruct the South? How did the restoration of voting rights to white Southerners undermine efforts to preserve and protect the voting rights of the freedmen? Document E Source: Heather Cox Richardson, The Death of Reconstruction: Race, Labor and Politics in the Post-Civil War North, 1865-1901. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2001. ————————————————-In the fall of 1873, even the stau nchly (firmly) pro-Grant and pro-freedman Boston Evening Transcript ran a letter †¦ arguing that â€Å"the blacks, as a people, are unfitted for the proper exercise of political duties†¦. The rising generation of †¦ blacks needed a period of probation and instruction; a period †¦ long enough for the black to have forgotten something of his condition as a slave and learned much of the true method of gaining honorable subsistence and of performing the duties of any position to which he might aspire. Northern artist’s portrayal of the South Carolina State Legislature during Reconstruction.Source: The Cover of Harper’s Weekly, March 14, 1874 Document Analysis According to the letter from the Boston Evening Transcript, why did some people believe blacks were unfit to be government officials? How does this letter show racism existed in the North? How do this cartoon & letter help explain why Northerners lost interest in Reconstruction? How does the image above depict black politicians in the South? Document F Document Analysis How was it possible that Hayes â€Å"won† the election of 1876? How did this disputed election lead to the end of Reconstruction?

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Mermaid Purse vs. Skate Case

Mermaid Purse vs. Skate Case Perhaps youve found a mermaids purse on the beach. Mermaids purses blend really well with seaweed, so you may also have walked right by one. Upon further investigation, you can learn more about what they are. The enchantingly named structures are the egg cases of skates and some sharks. This is why they are also known as skate cases. While some sharks bear live young, some sharks (and all skates) release their embryos in leathery egg cases that have horns and sometimes long tendrils at each corner. The tendrils allow them to anchor to seaweeds or other substrates. Each egg case contains one embryo. The case is made up of a material that is a combination of collagen and keratin, so a dried egg case feels similar to a fingernail.   In some areas, such as in the Bering Sea, skates seem to lay these eggs in nursery areas.  Depending on the species and sea conditions, the embryo may take weeks, months or even years to fully develop. When they hatch out of one end, the baby animals look like miniature versions of their skate or shark parents.   If you find a mermaids purse on the beach or are lucky enough to see a live one in the wild or in an aquarium, look closely if the developing skate or shark is still alive, you may be able to see it wiggling around.  You also may be able to see it if you shine a light through one side. The egg cases on the beach are often light and already opened, which means the animal inside has already hatched and left the egg case.   Where to Find a Mermaids Purse Mermaids purses usually get washed or blown to the high tide line of the beach, and they often get wrapped up in (and blend in well with) seaweeds and shells. As youre walking along the beach, walk in the area where shells and ocean debris seems to have washed up, and you might be lucky enough to find a mermaids purse. You may be more likely to find one after a storm.   Mermaids Purse Identification Found a mermaids purse on the beach and want to know where it is from?  Skate and shark species vary by region, but there are some identification guides out there for you beachcombers wanting to identify your finds. Here are the ones Ive found so far: Egg Cases of Alaska (great pamphlet about where baby skates come from)Shark Trust Egg Case Identification Key (UK) Conservation Factors To learn about population sizes and reproduction, some organizations have launched citizen science efforts to have people report and send in egg cases they find on the beach. Click on the links below for more information on reporting mermaids purses that you may find. The Great Egg Case Hunt (Shark Trust, UK)Marine Dimensions (Ireland) References and More Information Florida Museum of Natural History. Shark Biology. Accessed February 28, 2015.Florida Museum of Natural History. Ray and Skate Biology. Accessed February 28, 2015.Shark Trust. The Great Egg Case Hunt Project: Frequently Asked Questions. Accessed February 28, 2015.Weis, J. S. Do Fish Sleep? Fascinating Answers to Questions About Fishes. Rutgers University Press. 217pp.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Essay about value allignment

Essay about value allignment Essay about value allignment Discuss with your Learning Team an existing organization with which you are familiar that is different than the one you used for the Conceptualizing a Business paper. Write a 700 to 1,050-word paper in which you analyze the individual values and the organization’s values as reflected by the organization’s plans and actions. Include the following in your paper: Analyze the origin(s) and subsequent evolution of your personal and workplace values. Explain how your individual values drive your actions and behaviors, and analyze the alignment between your values and actions and behaviors. Analyze the degree of alignment between the organization’s stated values and the organization’s actual plans and actions. Explain the differences and analyze the degree of alignment between your values and the organization’s values as reflected by the organization’s plans and actions. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. A Learning Team Evaluation will be due at the end of each week (weeks 2-4). Objectives 3.1 Develop strategic objectives. 3.2 Create organizational objectives and goals. EOW3 N/A Readings Read Ch. 7 of Strategic Management. Read Ch. 4 of Strategy: Winning in the Marketplace. Review this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings. EOW3 N/A Participation Participate in class discussion. When participating with Discussion Questions in the MAIN forum, please remember to contribute at least 2 substantive answers 4 out of the 7 days of the week in order to get full credit for participation that week within the DQ’s. 4 out of 7 days by EOW3 2 Discussion Questions Respond to weekly discussion questions. Please look at MAIN forum for this week’s DQ’s. DQ1 – Day 3 DQ2 – Day 5 1 per DQ Individual Strategic Plan, Part II: SWOTT Analysis Conduct an internal and external environmental analysis for your proposed business. Create a SWOTT table summarizing your findings. Your environmental analysis should take into account, at a minimum, the following factors. For each factor, identify the one primary strength, weakness, opportunity, threat, and trend, and include it in your table. External forces and trends considerations: o Legal and regulatory o Global o Economic o Technological o Innovation o Social o Environmental o Competitive analysis Internal forces and trends considerations: o Strategy o Structures o Processes and systems o Resources o Goals o Strategic capabilities o Culture o Technologies o Innovations o Intellectual property o Leadership Write a 1,400 to 1,750-word synopsis in which you analyze at least seven of the forces and trends from the list above. Your analysis must include the following: Include economic as well as legal and regulatory forces and trends. Critique how well the organization adapts to change. Analyze the supply chain operations of the organization. Identify issues and/or opportunities: o Identify the major issues and/or opportunities that the company faces based on your analysis above. o Generate a hypothesis surrounding each issue and research questions to use for conducting analysis. o Identify the circumstances surrounding each issue; classify the circumstances; attribute the importance of each classification; and test the accuracy of the importance for each classification. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Day 7 10 Learning Team Functional Area Interrelationships Select one organization of the Virtual Organizations from the student website. Write a 1,400 to 2,100-word paper in which you complete the following: State the primary reasons for the organization’s existence from an analysis of the mission, vision, values, and goals. Analyze the reason for the type of organizational structure employed by the organization, and identify the key positions that support that organizational structure. Identify and explain the steps of the collaboration process among the

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Karl Marxs Greatest Hits

Karl Marx's Greatest Hits Karl Marx, born May 5, 1818, is considered one of the founding thinkers of sociology, along with Émile Durkheim, Max Weber, W.E.B. Du Bois, and Harriet Martineau. Though he lived and died before sociology was a discipline in its own right, his writings as a political-economist provided a still deeply important foundation for theorizing the relationship between economy and political power. In this post, we honor Marxs birth by celebrating some of his most important contributions to sociology. Marxs Dialectic Historical Materialism Marx is typically remembered for giving sociology a conflict theory of how society operates. He formulated this theory by first turning an important philosophical tenet of the day on its headthe Hegelian Dialectic. Hegel, a leading German philosopher during Marxs early studies, theorized that social life and society grew out of thought. Looking at the world around him, with the growing influence of capitalist industry on all other facets of society, Marx saw things differently. He inverted Hegels dialectic, and theorized instead that it is the existing forms of economy and productionthe material worldand our experiences within these that shape thought and consciousness. Of this, he wrote in  Capital, Volume 1, The ideal is nothing else than the material world reflected by the human mind, and translated into forms of thought. Core to all of his theory, this perspective became known as historical materialism. Base and Superstructure Marx gave sociology some important conceptual tools as he developed his historical materialist theory and method for studying society. In The German Ideology, written with Friedrich Engels,  Marx explained that society is divided into two realms: the base, and the superstructure. He defined the base as the material aspects of society: that which allow for production of goods. These include the means of productionfactories and material resourcesas well as the relations of production, or the relationships between people involved, and the distinct roles they play (like laborers, managers, and factory owners), as required by the system. Per his historical materialist account of history and how society functions, it is the base that determines the superstructure, whereby the superstructure is all other aspects of society, like our culture and ideology (world views, values, beliefs, knowledge, norms and expectations); social institutions like education, religion, and media; the political system; and even the identities we subscribe to. Class Conflict and Conflict Theory When looking at society this way, Marx saw that the distribution of power to determine how society functioned was structured in a top-down manner, and was tightly controlled by the wealthy minority who owned and controlled the means of production. Marx and Engels laid out this theory of class conflict in  The Communist Manifesto, published in 1848. They argued that the bourgeoisie, the minority in power, created class conflict by exploiting the labor power of the proletariat, the workers who made the system of production run by selling their labor to the ruling class. By charging far more for the goods produced than they paid the proletariats for their labor, the owners of the means of production earned profit. This arrangement was the basis of the capitalist economy at the time that Marx and Engels wrote, and it remains the basis of it today. Because wealth and power are unevenly distributed between these two classes, Marx and Engels argued that society is in a perpetual state of conflict, wherein the ruling class work to maintain the upper-hand over the majority working class, in order to retain their wealth, power, and overall advantage. (To learn the details of Marxs theory of the labor relations of capitalism, see  Capital, Volume 1.) False Consciousness and  Class Consciousness In  The German Ideology  and  The Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels explained that the rule of the bourgeoisie is achieved and maintained in the realm of the superstructure. That is, the basis of their rule is ideological. Through their control of politics, media, and educational institutions, those in power propagate a worldview that suggests that the system as it is is right and just, that is is designed for the good of all, and that it is even natural and inevitable. Marx referred to the inability of the working class to see and understand the nature of this oppressive class relationship as false consciousness, and theorized that eventually, they would develop a clear and critical understanding of it, which would be class consciousness. With class consciousness, they would have awareness of the realities of the classed society in which they lived, and of their own role in reproducing it. Marx reasoned that once class consciousness had been achieved, a worker-led revolutio n would overthrow the oppressive system. Summation These are the ideas that are central to Marxs theory of economy and society, and are what made him so important to the field of sociology. Of course, Marxs written work is quite voluminous, and any dedicated student of sociology should engage in a close reading of as many of his works as possible, especially as his theory remains relevant today. While the class hierarchy of society is more complex today than that which Marx theorized, and capitalism now operates on a global scale, Marxs observations about the dangers of commodified labor, and about the core relationship between base and superstructure continue to serve as important analytic tools for understanding how the unequal status quo is maintained, and how one can go about disrupting it. Interested readers can find all of Marxs writing digitally archived here.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Cultural Forms and Rituals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Cultural Forms and Rituals - Essay Example There are similarities between the Holy Bible and the Odyssey. The two masterpieces use singing to show joy. The two art masterpieces use singing to show praise. The three masterpieces use singing to the community’s unity. First, the Holy Bible and the Odyssey indicate the people use singing to express happiness. Homer (20) emphasizes the Odyssey culture states â€Å"He was singing of the return of the Achaeans, that bitter trip Athena made them take when they sailed home from Troy (Homer).† The verse clearly shows that the singer is happy with return of Achaeans. Just like people of the current 21st century generation, people sing whenever they are happy. In addition, another verse goes â€Å"There’s nothing wrong with this man’s singing of the evil fate of the Danaans, for men praise the most the song which they have heard most recently† (Homer 21). The verse clearly shows that the people use singing as a form of religious worship. The people use singing to add more color or persuasiveness to each religious ritual. In the same manner, the Holy Bible’s (Holman732) Psalm 105:43 states â€Å"So he brought his people out with joy, his chosen ones with singing.† The verse indicates that the people in the community are united. The united people sang for joy. The people gladly joined in the singing activities to prove they have the same intentions as the other members of a group. Second, the Holy Bible and the Odyssey indicate the people use singing to express love. Likewise, another verse indicates â€Å"At that point, the suitors switched to dancing and to singing lovely songs. They amused themselves until dark evening came.†(Homer 24). The verse clearly shows that the suitors are united. The suitors are happy to see the main purpose of their love, the women of their dreams. The girls will surely be enchanted by their suitor’s singing. The Holy Bible’s (Stebbins 254) 1 Samuel 17: 6†¦states â€Å"and it came to pass as they cam, when David was returned from the slaughter of the Philistine, that the women came out of all the cities of Israel, singing and dancing, to meet King Saul, with tabrets, with joy, and with instruments of music.† Third, the Holy Bible and the Odyssey use singing during their worship services. In the Odyssey story, the people will choose which song fits their current religious active ties. In terms of singing, the Holy Bible shows that the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem, Nehemiah 12:27 was filled with â€Å"singing, with cymbals, harps, and lyres. The company of singers gathered together from the circuit around Jerusalem and from the villages of the Netophathifes.† (Hagen 442)The verse clearly shows that people around Jerusalem and from the nearby Netophathifes showed their happiness by singing. The Holy Bible’s Isaiah 52:9 states â€Å"Break forth together into singing, you ruins of Jerusalem; for the Lord has comforted his people.† (Hagen 852). The verse clearly indicates that the people sing because they are in praise mode. Singing increases the level of the praying. Lastly, 1 Chronicles 16:7 indicates â€Å"Then on that day David first appointed the singing of praises to the Lord by A Saph and his kindred.† The Holy Bible’s (Holman 551) 2 Chronicles 20:27-278 states â€Å"Then Hezekiah ordered that the burnt offering be offered on the altar. When the burnt offerings began, the song of the Lord and the trumpets began, accompanied by the instruments of David king of Israel. The whole assembly was worshipping, singing the song, and blowing the trumpets –

Friday, October 18, 2019

Political and economic conditions in Russia Essay

Political and economic conditions in Russia - Essay Example The paper is going to discuss the political and economic conditions in the Russian federation and factors that managers would consider when seeking to invest in Russia. I am also going to assess the political and economic risks in Russia at the present moment and how a companyThe present political conditions in Russia are critical to ensure successful running of businesses because of the tensions and attacks that happened on 29th of December 2013, where two suicide bombings occurred inThese bombings resulted to injuries and deaths of many people in the area and no group has claimed responsibility for the bombings. It was also speculated by the media that the attacks were meant to disrupt Russia’s planned Sochi Olympic Games this month. Volgograd being a transportation hub between Moscow and Southern Russia makes it insecure for businesses to carry out their operations since it is not known when the terrorists may strike again. It is impossible for Russia’s government to support other business ventures when they should be focusing on ensuring security around the places where the Sochi Olympic Games will be taking place to avoid more attacks. The political leaders have many responsibilities to ensure that their people are living in safe environments and their needs are met.The economy of Russia is growing because of its large production of oil and gas. Deresky and Christopher (2011) stated that Putin the president of Russia struggled to ensure that the country’s economy remained of high level.

Japan Prime Minister Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Japan Prime Minister - Essay Example Noda inherited the duty of rebuilding the Japanese economy from the adverse impacts of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and Tsunami. It is obvious that Noda is operating under worse economic as well as political environment because the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami and Fukushima nuclear plant disaster affected the country very badly. The catastrophe caused the loss of thousands of lives and billions of dollars. Hence, these issues raised a series of potential challenges to Yoshihiko Noda. According to the policy speech delivered by Noda to the 180th Session of the Diet on 24th January 2012, â€Å"recovery and reconstruction from the Great East Japan Earthquake, fight against the nuclear power station accident, and the revitalization of the Japanese economy† are the three major priority policies of the country. Noda specifically tries to rehabilitate the people who were spread across the country as a result of the earthquake and tsunami. He also plans to amplify reconstruction activities by setting up a Reconstruction Agency and providing huge reconstruction grants. In addition, Noda made provisions for ass isting third party stakeholders who are initiating reconstruction activities. The Prime Minister states that the country will greatly promote employment facilities in the disaster affected region. In the speech, Noda declared that the government will gradually remove nuclear power from the country by not constructing new plants and not repairing outdated ones (Sahashi, 2011). However, the Prime Minister added that some of the idle plants (due to Fukushima disaster) will restart their operations in order to meet the country’s immediate energy needs. In addition, Noda has also framed special strategies for strengthening the country’s disaster management. Improvement of public services including schools and hospitals is another major policy in the agenda of Yoshihiko Noda. He has taken extensive efforts to protect people

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Carrer alternatives analysis report Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Carrer alternatives analysis report - Case Study Example Job prospects 11 Salary 12 Actuarial profession 13 Job responsibilities of an Actuary 13 Working Conditions 14 Educational qualification 14 Licenses and other qualifications 15 Job prospects 15 Salary 16 Recommendations and Conclusion 16 References 18 Executive Summary The role and scope of a finance professional in the present economic conditions includes pricing of new products, price classification, forecasting challenges and issues in the operating environment, planning strategic moves, estimating the size and extent of loss distribution, establishing loss reserves, monitoring solvency, calculating premium levels, and assessing the credibility of projects and transactions. The existing business environment has presented the organizations with numerous complexities that act as constraints in implementing new policies and strategies while at the same time presenting increased opportunities to expand and grow. The exposure to risk has increased manifolds that require efficient model s for rating and assessing the feasibility of operations (, 2009). The report provides an in-depth assessment of two career alternatives – Finance Controller and Actuaries. Introduction A career in finance and accounting is gaining popularity. In any company or an organization the study of the numbers or finance is the most crucial and important decision. This is used to gauge what and where the company is heading to. This guides the management to take further actions pertaining to the interest of the company. The study of the market, investment plans, investment brokers etc are some of the arrear which a person can opt for in the field of finance. The increasing range of products and services offered by financial services today and the growing complexity of the operating... According to the research findings the role and demand of the financial controllers and the actuaries is a continuous process. The job seekers are likely to face competition in the field of accounting. For the financial controller, the knowledge of finance, a complex financial instrument etc is a mandate and for the Actuarial a strong foundation in mathematics is essential. Both the roles are of utmost importance to a company or an organization. The difference is the nature of work. A financial controller is expected to regulate, guide the financial condition of an organization. An Actuarial helps the companies to develop health and long term insurance policies by their calculations and predictions. A Finance Controller will help the company by calculating and evaluating the numbers obtained and by predicting the performance based on these measurements. An Actuarial helps both the company and the consumer as it keeps a check on the number of the occurrence of a disease and helps the companies by calculating the premium based on which the company itself can survive even in any odd situation. The emerging times that are characterized by tough economic conditions and financial challenges will witness an increasing demand for actuaries. Monetary and fiscal policies are highly instrumental in regulating the country’s economy and creating market stability. The impact of these changes on the Actuarial profession is visible in the increasing demand for individual practitioners and consultants who can provide adequate support to organizations and managers in the decision making process.

Spiritual Life Coaching Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Spiritual Life Coaching - Essay Example However, for this to happen, one must comprehend the true depiction of coaching to begin with. Coaching does not come about as a routine norm for many – it is the basis of attaining a significant level over other individuals yet feeling occupied with one’s own self over a period of time. Since coaching adheres to some good standards on its way, there is a dire requirement to set things right within a person’s entirety. For this reason, it is closely linked with his spiritual life which is cleansed from the inside, and is pure in the most basic sense. A spiritual life is not always assisted by coaching alone – there are other perspectives to it as well. This can be gauged from the dimensions that a society finds itself connected with. It could comprise of the good deeds, the mannerisms of sanity, discussions on topics that have a positive and long-lasting effect, and a number of other subjects related with honesty, clean ways to spend a life, being good to others, use of morality, etc. Coaching is at times even compared along side the training modules and mentoring regimes. This is because these are much similar yet have minute differences existent amongst them. What is important however is to gain an understanding that all three of these – coaching, training and mentoring form the very crust of success that an individual is looking forward to having within his fore, so that his spiritual life could be restored and he can enjoy the benefits that life has to offer to him, time and time again (Walz, 2005). When coaching connects itself with the essence of a spiritual basis, then only can a spiritual life come into full action. This has been proven with the passage of time and much research has already showed that the relation between the two indeed exists. The coaching phase is therefore directly reliant on how well the peers are able to garner interest so that the ones being coached know exactly what to expect out of it and how to go about completing their respective tasks. The spiritual life basis will result from the very same not before they have been taught the very basics of coaching and are geared to reach the top most levels under the aegis of coaching. Whether or not coaching speaks to a person’s spiritual life largely depends on how well he has been coached, as discussed in the above paragraphs. If his coaching helps him to seek an inner world pleasure, then this means something is driven correctly as far as his life realms are concerned. On the other hand, if he believes that he is not being able to satisfy his own self through the coaching methodologies and norms, then this implies for the loss that he has to take the burden of (Nielsen, 2012). What remains to be seen is how well he musters up confidence to turn the coaching module into one of a spiritual journey so that his own life could benefit from it. Often times, the success is in the head alone, yet difficult to envisage due to a n umber of mental blocks along the way. When coaching experts are asked regarding the process of coaching and how it can be termed as merry for one and all, they credit the same to the willpower of the individuals, and how well they adapt to the different situations and behave in accordance with the same. This is much similar to how coaching should be carried out where the inner essence needs to bank on the premise of bringing about a positive change, so that success within such dimensions could be achieved without any hindrance or difficulty. This is however no easy task because the person under consideration has to comprehend his nuances accordingly and thus identify where he has gone wrong all this while by taking the corrective steps along the way. From biblical research, it has been proved that anything

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Carrer alternatives analysis report Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Carrer alternatives analysis report - Case Study Example Job prospects 11 Salary 12 Actuarial profession 13 Job responsibilities of an Actuary 13 Working Conditions 14 Educational qualification 14 Licenses and other qualifications 15 Job prospects 15 Salary 16 Recommendations and Conclusion 16 References 18 Executive Summary The role and scope of a finance professional in the present economic conditions includes pricing of new products, price classification, forecasting challenges and issues in the operating environment, planning strategic moves, estimating the size and extent of loss distribution, establishing loss reserves, monitoring solvency, calculating premium levels, and assessing the credibility of projects and transactions. The existing business environment has presented the organizations with numerous complexities that act as constraints in implementing new policies and strategies while at the same time presenting increased opportunities to expand and grow. The exposure to risk has increased manifolds that require efficient model s for rating and assessing the feasibility of operations (, 2009). The report provides an in-depth assessment of two career alternatives – Finance Controller and Actuaries. Introduction A career in finance and accounting is gaining popularity. In any company or an organization the study of the numbers or finance is the most crucial and important decision. This is used to gauge what and where the company is heading to. This guides the management to take further actions pertaining to the interest of the company. The study of the market, investment plans, investment brokers etc are some of the arrear which a person can opt for in the field of finance. The increasing range of products and services offered by financial services today and the growing complexity of the operating... According to the research findings the role and demand of the financial controllers and the actuaries is a continuous process. The job seekers are likely to face competition in the field of accounting. For the financial controller, the knowledge of finance, a complex financial instrument etc is a mandate and for the Actuarial a strong foundation in mathematics is essential. Both the roles are of utmost importance to a company or an organization. The difference is the nature of work. A financial controller is expected to regulate, guide the financial condition of an organization. An Actuarial helps the companies to develop health and long term insurance policies by their calculations and predictions. A Finance Controller will help the company by calculating and evaluating the numbers obtained and by predicting the performance based on these measurements. An Actuarial helps both the company and the consumer as it keeps a check on the number of the occurrence of a disease and helps the companies by calculating the premium based on which the company itself can survive even in any odd situation. The emerging times that are characterized by tough economic conditions and financial challenges will witness an increasing demand for actuaries. Monetary and fiscal policies are highly instrumental in regulating the country’s economy and creating market stability. The impact of these changes on the Actuarial profession is visible in the increasing demand for individual practitioners and consultants who can provide adequate support to organizations and managers in the decision making process.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Aspects of Contract and Negligence for Business Essay - 1

Aspects of Contract and Negligence for Business - Essay Example All contracts must involve (a) at least two parties, (b) parties who have the legal capacity, (c) a manifestation of all the parties in the contract, (d) finally, a consideration that supports legal and enforceable promise. Having the legal capacity means that the individuals are adults and have mental competence. The law is relatively settled if the competent adults are bound by the terms of the contract. Considering the case of Wohoo and Provident Solutions (PS), it involves corporate organizations. A company has the capacity to enter into contractual relations , but such type of relations are only binding on the companies if those acting on behalf of the company do so with express or implied authority of the company, something which was fulfilled by both Wahoo, PS and Clive Software Limited. The essential elements of a contract include: offer and acceptance, free consent, contractual capacity, intentions to create legal relations, illegal and void agreements, and lastly considerat ions. Considering the case of Wohoo Wholesale and Provident Solutions, when PS sub-contracted Clive software on the recommendation of Wohoo to provide software systems, they did so because previously they provided software of very high standard. But since the software installed by Clive brought numerous problems to the organization, Wohoo refused to pay PS for 40 computers in the process with holding 58 computers and five servers as it claims for compensation of the losses incurred by the faulty software installed. This clearly shows that all the essential elements of a contract are not in place. In this context, there is no consideration as there is no price paid for the promise of the other party. Since consideration does not exist, the court is likely to question its adequacy. The court is to intervene because one of the parties, Wohoo has exhibited duress or unconscionable conduct. Typically, courts will not weigh the adequacy of the consideration as long as the consideration is established to be sufficient, with sufficiency being defined as the meeting test of the law; adequacy is the subjective fairness or equivalence. The contract between Wahoo and PS is questionable although the problems emanated from Clive Software (Chen-Wishart, 2007: 212). The manifestation of assent by all the parties that are in agreement signifies acceptance in some way. Therefore, both Wahoo and PS were aware of the status of Clive’s products by accepting it as a sub-contractor. Since the objective standard was met, it means that there is proof that the assent was met. By Wahoo with holding 58 computers and 5 severs narrows down to the elements of an assent. This is because the parties need to come to some meeting of the minds about the terms of the contract. Since the three parties entered into a contract and one or two elements failed to be fulfilled the contract is considered to be null and void. This is because of the unconscionable conduct and misleading conduct of b oth Wahoo and Clive Software affects the enforceability of the contract. To the effect that the contract is considered as void, the parties should be put back to their original positions (Walston-Dunham, 2008: 420-423). Task 1: Question 2 Every business should be aware of standard form of contracts. These are agreements that make use of standardized, the non-negotiated provisions that are usually in the preprinted forms. They are also known as

Aristotle Essay Essay Example for Free

Aristotle Essay Essay Aristotle Despite being Plato’s student, Aristotle’s views conflict with his teacher’s. The biggest difference being that Aristotle was a realist; he saw the value in studying the physical world and trusted his senses, unlike Plato who believed in the world of forms. Plato believed that we need to look beyond the physical world for a metaphysical explanation of the universe, Aristotle refuted this. Aristotle observed nature and used logic and reason to explain how it works; he tried to find the ‘action’ of why things exist and tried to make sense of them. Also, Aristotle’s approach was imperial and he trusted the use of reason based on his experience. Aristotle rejected Plato’s dualism; he thought that the body and soul are one, as the brain and body are. This opposes Plato’s views that the body and soul were separate. Aristotle believed in the four causes, the principal that everything has four causes of existence: Material cause – refers to what a thing is made of, Aristotle used the example of a bronze sculpture and a silver saucer, Aristotle would say that bronze or silver is the material cause. However, an object can have more than one material cause, for example, the laptop I’m typing on is made of plastic, metal, wires and glass; these would all be material causes. The material cause also counters Plato’s theory of the world of forms, he would say that my laptop has a perfect form however, it is made up of individual things in order to be a laptop, all of the things it is made up of must have their own perfect form according to Plato, making his theory contradictive. Formal cause – refers to the structure of an object, the shape it takes that makes it what it is. It is what we recognise as the thing we are looking at. An object must have a specific order in order to be what it is, for example, a bronze sculpture is not just a lump of bronze, and it has been shaped into a sculpture in order to function, as my laptop has been assembled into an order so it works. Efficient cause – refers to how the object has changed from a state of potentiality to what it is, for example, the way a bronze sculpture has been taken from a lump of bronze chiselled until it is made into a statue by the sculptor. The efficient cause of an object may not be as simple as this i. e. my laptop’s efficient cause may vary from machines and people to plastic moulds and screwdrivers. It is the cause of the change. Final cause – refers to the purpose of an objects being; the purpose of a sculpture might be to be admired, the purpose of my laptop is to let me watch videos of cats playing musical instruments on YouTube. Aristotle uses the example of health being the cause of walking, Why does one walk? he asks, that one may be healthy. The final cause is perhaps the most important of all of the causes. Aristotle’s understanding did not end there, he said that once something has achieved a state of actuality, it will be in a state of potentiality, for example, take ‘whiteness’, when my shirt is washed and becomes clean and ‘white’ but it has the potential to become dirty and ‘not white’ anymore. Aristotle also came up with the idea of the Prime Mover. The Prime Mover is, according to Aristotle, the ultimate and final cause of the universe. He said that everything in the universe is in a state of change (motus) so the Prime Mover must exist outside the universe, so that it is not affected by what happens inside. The Prime Mover cannot change, because to change something must exist in a state of actuality and have the potential to change i. e. an actual child is a potential adult. Aristotle does not consider the Prime Mover as a God, because a god is a living being which effects what happens in the world, however, the Prime Mover does not affect what happens in the universe, it is just the cause of it. Aristotle says that the Prime Mover has to exist because the universe has to have a cause. The Prime Mover also has to be eternal, because if something comes into existence it must be caused by something else.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Growth Development And Industrial Policy Economics Essay

The Growth Development And Industrial Policy Economics Essay 1. Economic growth is the increase of per capita gross domestic product (GDP) or other measure of aggregate income, typically reported as the annual rate of change in real GDP. Economic growth is primarily driven by improvements in productivity, which involves producing more goods and services with the same inputs of labor, capital, energy and materials. Economists draw a distinction between short-term economic stabilization and long-term economic growth. The topic of economic growth is primarily concerned with the long run. The short-run variation of economic growth is termed the business cycle. The rate of economic growth is measured by the percentage increase in output over a 12 month period. Governments aim to achieve high levels of stable economic growth over the long term avoiding occurances such as recessions and periods of excessive short term growth which cannot be sustained. The situation in Britain, and throughout a large portion of the world at the moment, is a good example of how stable growth was not maintained. By not maintaing a constant level of aggregate demand, fluctuations will occur, moving the circular flow of income from a state of equilibirum to a state of disequilibrium this is a natural occurance within an economy, as a rise in aggregate demand demonstrates Economic Growth and vice versa. Unemployment will also fall in relation to growth, inflation rates are likely to rise, with the gap between exports and imports narrowing as consumer demand for less expensive forgein produced products increases and demand for domestically produced goods decreases. Benefits of Growth: Increased levels of consumption Avoidance of macroeconomic problems Redistribution of income to the poor Greater societal care for the environment In theory Growth should make people happier as income will be more evenly distributed, meaning everyone has more money to spend, improving quality of life the down side is that this may not actually happen, and none of the above improvements may actually occur. Costs of Growth Opportunity cost of growth Growth may simply generate extra demand Social effects and Enviornmental costs Shortage of Non-Renewable resources fossil fuels and minerals e.g. Distribution of Income rich get richer, poor get poorer? Changes in production people with basic skills may find they are no longer required, so without further education of training my no longer be employable. Should countries pursue their goals of economic growth? This is a decision to be made in relation to the benefits and costs involved, i.e. each countries situation will be different and their can be no difinitive yes or no answer. Economic development in its simplest form is the creation of economic wealth for all citizens within the diverse layers of society so that all people have access to potential increased quality of life. Job creation, economic output and increase in taxable basis are the most common measurement tools. Structural transformation, improving the quality and productivity of resources and improving the standard of living of a nations population, through sustained growth from a simple, low-income economy to a modern, high-income economy, are desireable goals for any government to try and achieve. Improving quality of life in turn relates to improving economic development would be enhanced, including the process and policies by which a nation enhances the economic, political, and social well-being of its people. 2. Public policy generally aims at continuous and sustained economic growth and expansion of national economies so that developing countries become developed countries. The economic development process supposes that legal and institutional adjustments are made to give incentives for innovation and for investments so as to develop an efficient production and distribution system for goods and services. In relation to developing countries, Economic Development can be interpreted in both a positive and negative manner. For example, the government of Sri Lanka has been consistant in their attempts to push the country towards economic development since the 1970s. Many different approaches have been taken, but a common theme of free market principles and structutal reform have been successful in keeping the plans for growth and development on track. Of course, there have been fluctuations these are fundamental for any country, let alone those in the developing world, pursuing such goals. Set backs such as political pressures, involving civil war and forgein investment, as well as a massive drought, have been hugely influential in the path of the countries progress. However, as a result of perseverance and a setting realistic short term goals, the successive governments have been fortunate to see positive developments, especially since 2002 when a ceasefire was signed between the govern ment and insurgent groups and the drought which has hampered development ended, allowing reliable power sources to be restored and the agricultural industry to lower their prices. Working in conjunction with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) more targets were set for the 2003-2006 time period. Along with the new laws which were introduced, concerning areas such as tax and welfare reform, as well as investment deregulation, the country hope is to establish lasting peace through relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction. The fluctuations observed over this time period show clear examples of the negative and positive sides of growth and development, for example, the social effects displayed through the cival unrest and the environmental costs created by the droughts. On a more positive note, it can be seen the the distribution of wealth is becoming more even as a result of the reforms instigated in 2003. A level of health care is provided for free midwifey care is one such service now available, although many others such as blood transfusions are still very expensive. The government hope to influence and change this with their continued action through a number of key policies: 1) restoring fiscal sustainability, including raising revenues by 21/2% of GDP; 2) implementing structural reforms mainly involving deregulation and privatization; 3) creating opportunities for the poor to share more fully in the benefits of economic growth through improvements in infrastructure and education; and 4) garnering resources for reconstruction, including though donor assistance and government investments. Like many other industrialized nations of the West, the United Kingdom has sought to combine steady economic growth with a high level of employment, increased productivity, and continuing improvement in living standards. Attainment of these basic objectives, however, has been hindered since World War II by recurrent deficits in the balance of payments and by severe inflationary pressures. As a result, economic policy has chiefly had to be directed toward correcting these two underlying weaknesses in the economy The Conservative government elected in 1979 sought to reduce the role of government in the economy by improving incentives, removing controls, reducing taxes, moderating the money supply, and privatizing several large state-owned companies. This policy was continued by succeeding Conservative governments into the 1990s. The election of a Labour government in 1997 did not reverse this trend. Indeed, privatization is now widely accepted by most of the Labour Party (with the exception of the dwindling numbers of the wing of the party with strong ties to trade unions). The most important issue facing Britain in the early 2000s was membership in the European Monetary Union (EMU). Labour Prime Minister Tony Blair decided to opt out of EMU at its inception in 1998 and has promised a referendum on British membership. The opposition Conservatives oppose abandoning the pound and have the support of a majority of the British population on the issue. In June 2003, the chancellor of the exchequer stated that Britain was not yet ready to enter the euro zone, which made a referendum in the current parliament unlikely, at least until a new government would be seated in 2005. The government in 2003 devoted its attention on the domestic front to improving such public services as health, education, and transportation. Industrial Policy Industrial policy is a government funded program that encourages the public and private sector to create new technology which in time leads to economic growth. This new technology can be used to create new industries within the given country which in time can lead to greater levels of employment. It can also be used to save an industry that may be outdated or failing. The government run these programs in many ways. One way they can do it is by funding a private organisation to carry out the research. This funding can be through tax breaks or the organisation could be a direct subsidiary to the government. The programs could also be government run; this has less of an advantage as private organisations are usually in a better position to carry out this research. Does it work? Its not just established economic countries that have industrial policy either and it can be just as if not more important for newly formed industrial countries as well. This is due to the resources needed for economic growth, which at the start can be easy for a country to do. As it gets bigger it requires more and more resources in order to maintain this growth and without appropriate investment this would not be possible. The Korean government did this by offering financial incentives and reduced tax to organisations setting up in the country, whilst this has worked well for them as a developing country, the practises are now banned by the WTO for developing countries and as such wouldnt help smaller countries in the same situation Korean was in some 40 years ago. Over the last few years with the recession damaging world economies it has been quite hard to define between industrial policy and government bail outs. In the UK the government bailed out RBS as it knew that it would be fundamental in the progression in the countrys economy. But just because a government invests money into an organisation doesnt necessarily mean that the company is fundamental in the development of that countrys economy. Take France for example in 2008 at the beginning of the recession a British born French toy company began to slowly slip, the country bailed the toy company, these actions would normally be associated with an organisation that in fundamental to the growth of the country, but they chose this to safe guard the jobs of some of their citizens. With this in mind we are going to look at examples where industrial policy is more obvious and whether opposed to some educated beliefs industrial policy does exist in the UK. A good example of industrial policy in many countries just now is energy. All across the world the focus is slowly shifting towards renewable energy. Government s are paying incredible sums of money to develop new ways of harnessing renewable energy as they know in the long run it will be essential to maintain their economic growth. A country that is investing massively in renewable energy is China, (The Economist, 2010) stated that over the next 10 China would invest nearly a trillion yen which equate to about  £80 billion on nuclear power. This is done using a variety of state owned organisations i.e. banks and also through private organisations which are then government subsidised. The energy companies are paid massive amounts of money to work creating this new technology. As well as this the Chinese government also made it a rule that any foreign companies wishing to trade in that market must give in technological secrets to the local electricity companies. This economic policy is what has allowed the Chinese electricity market to grown so quickly and will allow the energy market to continue to grow at its current rate. With all this success in industrial policy in the Far East and in Europe some would presume that Industrial Policy is a good thing but there are also arguments against Industrial policy, the main one looks closely at the length of time it takes for the country to get any real benefit out of their investment. This point is summarised by Mr E GLAESER of (THE NEW YORK TIMES, 2011), who says New industries dont grow on trees. They require years of investment and development, an educated workforce and an international market for those services. Thats why the administration is pushing green energy in the stimulus, offering tax credits for renewable energy and solar power, pushing for expanded community college enrolment, and talking about an export-driven recovery. This sounds smart. But it is the sort of public policy labour whose fruits wont be apparent for years. This is all quite fitting however as America have a track record in not having a very good Industrial Policy and one that is also heavily focused in out dated dirty energy. How does industrial policy effect the UK? Industrial Policy has slowly disappeared over the last couple of decades in the UK, as privatisation crept in under the Conservative Government in the 1980s the companies that were state owned and that Industrial policies has originally protected became privately owned. Since 1995 the shift has been from Industrial Policy towards more Rural and Urban policy. This is where the government breaks the country down into its constituencies to try and target its investment towards areas that require it most. It encourages organisations to open up and begin trading in these areas creating jobs and training opportunities for people living in these areas often suffering from multiple levels of deprivation. Each area is looked at differently as no area is ever the same and where different forms of investment is required then that local council receives the money to try and combat this problem. Examples of how Rural or Regional Policy has improved the UK in the last 5 years can be seen in Glasgow with the Commonwealth Games. The Scottish Government has given a lot of to regenerate the east end of Glasgow, this regional policy has boosted employment in the area and will make the area a more viable business location with improvements to transport links and a facelift for the surroundings. (Community Care, 2010) emphasises that as well as a £20 million direct financial investment, the games will also created 1000 new jobs and also 1000 affordable homes in Glasgows east end.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Determined Victor Jimmy Connors :: Essays Papers

The Determined Victor Jimmy Connors The Determined Victor What is a hero? A hero is someone who has achieved many goals in their life; someone admired for his impressive exploits; or someone who shows tremendous courage. A hero controls a great deal of power of authority, or strong influence over others. When people envision a hero, they usually think of a champion, a paragon, a conqueror, or a celebrity. Jimmy Connors represented all these qualities. He displayed power when he was on the tennis court, and he asserted his force off the court. Mr. Connors is a dominant, influential powerhouse. A champion was born unknowingly on September 2, 1952. A child was born to rise above his comrades. He was born James Scott Connors after his father. From the time he was barely three years old, no one could tell that little Jimmy was going to be a champion. Destined for glory his mother and grandmother knew that for Jimmy to be great he would have to work extremely hard. So everyday until Jimmy was a teenager his mother and grandmother would drill him with tennis balls, seeing early that he had tremendous talent. Small for his age, Jimmy had to make up for it somehow. So while other children his age played with toys or watched T.V., Jimmy would be out on the tennis court working on his game. Jimmy wanted to be the best. He knew that his success depended on his speed and his technique. Jimmy worked like a demon to make up for the difference. By age 8, Jimmy was skillful enough to enter into tournaments, and he made a good showing in them. Jimmy did not win his first tournament until he was in the ten-year-old competition. The losses only gave him determination and the wins only gave humbleness. Jimmy Connors, a paragon of all sorts, had an unconquerable spirit. Jimmy knew that he had to be himself out on the tennis courts if he wanted to succeed. At times in Jimmy’s career, he was known as a spoiled brat for his cocky attitude. He was often called â€Å"mouth†. He had this spirit ever since he was a young boy. Being the smaller kid of his age group, he had to have something to hold onto.

Friday, October 11, 2019

WAL-MART Essay -- essays research papers

Wal-Mart Is Wal-Mart good for communities, or is Wal-Mart a wolf in sheep's clothing? With a gross annual sales of over $67 billion and more than 2,000 stores, Wal-Mart is one of the biggest corporations in the United States. Wal-Mart opens a new store once every two days in small communities and cities across the United States, however, are these stores good for these communities, or are they wrecking havok? When you look down at the fine print Wal-Mart doesn't earn it's money it steals it money from other businesses. Choking other smaller businesses by offering wider varity of products at a more competitive price. This is actually a very simple business tactic if you want to sell a lot of something cut your profit margin to beat the other competitors and you will sell more. Wal-Mart stole an average of over $10 million in an average sized Iowan Town. You want to beat Wal-Mart keep by keeping it from invading you town and making it a ghost land? Here are some steps that have been victorious in the past as how to keep Wal-Mart out. Quote Wal-Marts officers, they have been known to say very contradictory things for instance: Wal-Mart's founder Sam Walton once said "If some community, for whatever reason, doesn't want us in there, we aren't interested in going in and creating a fuss." or is the VP of Wal-Mart once stated, "'We have so many opportunities for building in communities that want Wal-Marts, it would be foolish of us to pursue construction ...

Office Management – Assessment 1

Levels of Decision Making Overview Strategic decision making is when decisions are made to determine the long term direction of an organisation at the highest level within the organisation. According to Gregory Hamel (Hamel, G. 2008) (Small business, 2012) Strategic decision making is an on-going process that involves creating strategies to achieve goals and altering strategies based on observed outcomes. Operational decision making is a short term decision made within an organisation which involves the day to day running of the organisation. These short term decisions are usually made by the office manager.According to Npower (Business Case Studies) Often these decisions are administrative in nature and can be implemented quickly and tend to carry a little risk and are smaller scale, but are never the less important choices that people have to make to fulfil their role. Strategic Decision Implementing that laptops are to be used by partners while out of the office would be a strateg ic decision. There are lots of problems with the partners being out of the office and with the use of laptops as communication tools this will provide a direct link between the office staff and the partners.I believe that this is a strategic decision as with the right planning and overseeing the development this could really be a step forward for Classic Interiors because work can be exchanged between partners and the office and messages can be passed on effectively meaning that there won’t be a build-up of work or office staff with no work and communication between everyone will be made a lot easier. Operational Decision Stipulating a lunch time for each staff member would be an organisational decision. The current system for lunch time is not convenient as the employees get to decide when they go as long as one of them is in the office.I believe this is an operational decision because if affects the day to day running of the organisation. If the administrators were set a lu nch hour each they would have to stick to it and get used to working alongside the time set. Role of Office Manager Operational Planning Process As the office manager my role in establishing a new routine for lunch hour would be to organise a meeting to communicate the proposed changes with administrators and gain their views. Then I would create a plan to put forward to the administrators and partners.When a decision has been reached and the new plan is put into action I would have to oversee the progress of the plan gathering feedback at every opportunity. Issues There is increased frustration between partners and administrators due to the partners carrying out task they believe the administrators could be doing which would free up more time for the partners. The solution to this would be to for all administrators to be trained how to use the specialist interior design software, this would enable them to alleviate the work load from the partners and feel more involved in the desig n side of their work.This would likely be time consuming to train the administrators but the overall outcome would be beneficial to the company. The relationship between partners and the administrators is suffering due to the partners being out of the office as communication is often via short telephone messages and emails which has led to information being mis-communicated. The solution would be to introduce the use of PDA’s (Personal digital Assistants) for partners to be able to communicate with administrators.This would enable the administrators to contact the partners if a problem arises while carrying out work so that no mistakes are made and also they would be able to check their diaries to make appointments without the chance of double booking. Instant messaging could also help with communication as they are received instantly and can be replied to in seconds. Financial Planning and Budgetary Control Financial Planning According to Jim Priebe (ehow) A financial plan i s like a blue print. It is a description of what you want to achieve and the tools you need to achieve it.Financial planning is the process of asking questions to ensure that you manage your risk against unexpected events. Managers need to be able to exercise control over the organisation that they manage to make sure that financial plans are being achieved both for the long term and the short term. Benefits of financial planning are: 1 Reducing the risk of a financial crisis. 2 Allows you to understand how each financial decision made affects other areas of finance. Barriers of financial planning are: 1 It can be time consuming 2 Can be costly as will involve accountants. Budgetary ControlBudgetary control is precise control of an organisations operations through establishment of standards and targets concerning income and expenditure. Continuous monitoring is required to be effective. Benefits of budgetary control are: 1 Coordinates activities across departments. 2 Provides a reco rd of organisational activities. Barriers of budgetary control are: 1 Budgets can demotivate staff. 2 May cause competition for resources. Effective Delegation Delegation is the distribution of tasks by the office manager. Giving responsibilities to employees to carry out the work but the work will remain liable to the office manager.When delegation is carried out properly very good results and high productivity can be achieved. The Process of Delegation Delegation can be very difficult. The process of delegation is: 1 Define the task 2 Select the Individual 3 Explain what must be achieved (clear instructions) 4 Discuss requirement to completion 5 Agree a deadline 6 Be there for support 7 Always give feedback Benefits Time management would be a benefit of delegation as this would allow partners to delegate work so that they have a more manageable work load.Delegating tasks will motivate staff and increase productivity. Barriers Forcing someone to do a task that they don’t wan t to or are not capable of would be a barrier, this can be seen in the case study when Izzy asked one of the administrators to just follow what had been done before. This lead to the administrator getting upset and Izzy feeling unable to approach anyone else. This could have been avoided by management setting out a procedure for staff to follow and allocating the task to someone suitable.Confusion about who is ultimately responsible for tasks is a barrier to effective delegation, this can be seen in the case study as partners are frustrated because they believe that administration is responsible for some of their tasks. This can be corrected by training administrators to make the delegation process easier. Leadership Models I think Tomi uses democratic leadership. As Tomi involves the staff in the decision making process of meeting times and encouraged staff to offer their opinions which made the administrators feel like what they said mattered.I believe Izzi uses Autocratic Leaders hip. When Izzi was in charge she would decide the times of meetings even when it was inconvenient to the others meaning work started to suffer which she then thought they could not manage and devised a new procedure which is hopeless but Izzi cannot see this. Staff find it difficult to communicate with her. Autocratic Leadership works where there is no need for input on the decisions and Democratic leadership works when a leader seeks help and guidance from staff to make decisions.Democratic leadership The impact of this leadership style is that it gives staff a voice and they are able to communicate better with management. Democratic leadership style encourages better cooperation and motivates staff because they feel well informed in everything that affects their work. Autocratic Leadership The impact of this leadership style is that it fails to motivate staff and they feel forced to do things managements way although It is not always the best way and staff become stressed being pu shed.Autocratic leadership style encourages no communication between staff and management as management make all the decisions based on what they feel is best for the organisation. References Hamel, G. (2008) ‘What is strategic Decision Making’ http://smallbusiness. chron. com/strategic-decision-making-23782. html Npower. ‘Developing people through decision making’ http://businesscasestudies. co. uk/npower/developing-people-through-decision-making/tactical-decisions. html Priebe, J. ‘What is the purpose of Financial Planning’ http://www. ehow. com/info_7755005_purpose-financial-plan. html

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Hero’s in Greek Literature Essay

In modern times the word hero can be used to describe many different people. For example, a scientist that develops a cure for AIDs would be thought of to be heroic. Or perhaps one might deem teachers heroic for shaping the youth of tomorrow. Although these jobs are noble, they would not be deemed heroic by the Greeks. Today’s definition of a hero is comparatively broad to that of which the Greek’s would have considered the term of hero to describe. More accurately, a hero is someone who puts themselves in a position of death in order to obtain a morally just cause. This idea of self sacrifice is what makes a hero. In Greek literature, especially in poetry, there are several examples of heroes and heroines. I will specifically discuss Achilles of Homer’s Iliad, as well as Antigone in Sophocles Antigone, and why their character is of heroic stature. In early Greek literature, such as Homer’s Iliad, a hero was more parallel to the concept of a warrior. In book I of The Iliad, Achilles is not just portrayed as a warrior, but is in fact introduced as â€Å"godlike† (Homer, 107). Achilles is an exemplum of one of the defining characteristics of epic poems in that he possesses godlike qualities, such as superhuman strength. In epic poems, the intervention and presence of the Greek gods is a persisting trait. Achilles is born of both mortal and immortal persons, his father a militant mortal Peleus and his mother the sea nymph Thetis. Due to these qualities and over the course of the poem, Achilles proves himself to be the most capable warrior of all. Moreover, Achilles also proves himself a hero by surmising to the idea of self sacrifice. It has always been known that if Achilles kills Hector during the Greek and Trojan War, he will at some point be put to death by the gods. As described in book IX, â€Å"My mother Thetis, a moving silver grace, tells me two fates sweep me on my death. If I stay here and fight, I’ll never return home, but my glory will be undying forever. If I return home†¦ my glory is lost but my life will be long,† (Homer, 141). Therefore Achilles does have the option of going home and living a long life. However, it is the death of Patroclus, Achilles best friend, that sways him to fight even though a sure death will come. This choice is namely why Achilles is a hero. Another central theme to a Greek hero is that he is unable to be destroyed by any other man and therefore a central theme of self- destructiveness exists (Whitman).

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Teamsters Union Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Teamsters Union - Research Paper Example Teamsters are several; reference can be made, as examples, to the following: a) Accounting and Budget; it covers the need of the organization in regard to the gathering, process and supply of financial data; b) Political Action; it deals with the arrangement of collective action against strategies and decisions that violate employees’ rights; c); Human Rights; it focuses on the development of plans for the limitation of discrimination in the workplace and d) Campaigns; it focuses on the planning and development of the organization’s campaigns around the world. The structure of the organization, as reflecting its administration, is presented in Graph 1 (Appendix). At top level, the administration of the organization is developed by its, two, ‘executive officers, i.e. the General President and the General Secretary’ (Teamsters, Structure); at the next level, the General Executive Board has the power to control all critical strategic decisions. At the community level, Teamsters is represented by Local Unions the activities of which are monitored by the organization’s Joint Councils. Further, officers are appointed in the Union’s various units for responding to the needs of members and affiliates (Teamsters, Structure). Also, the representatives of the organization ensure that the needs of members are covered at local level; in this way, time is saved in responding to emergent inquiries of members and affiliates (Teamsters, Structure). In order to become a member of the Union an individual has to sign a contract, which can cover the individual either locally, only in regard to one employer, or internationally, in all locations where the business operates. The amount that needs to be paid, for the membership to be completed, is estimated as a percentage of ‘2.5 times the hour – wage of the individual’ (Teamsters, Frequently Asked Questions). Existing members have the chance to enhance their powers within the Union by becoming a steward, with

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Comparing Mortgage Rates Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Comparing Mortgage Rates - Research Paper Example Mortgage quotes that are published such as these are usually rates and terms available under the best of circumstance while your rate will vary according to: credit, down payment, house location and size, and your ability to prove income and assets Verbal rates are not a guarantee and you must get a written quote if you want to be assured the rate is ‘locked’ in and you should always get a letter of confirmation of your rate, rates that go up between the start of your mortgage process and the closing date can cost you thousands of dollars over the life of your loan Do not assume that because you are offered at good rate on one type of loan that you will get the same rate on a different type of mortgage Many people do not consider closing costs and fees when shopping for a mortgage Based on the effective annual rate the Lending tree offers the best rate for a fifteen year fixed interest rate loan. This amount is the percentage paid per year on the mortgage over the lifeti me of the loan. AmeriSave offers the lowest effective annual rate on a thirty year mortgage. Paying some of the interest in advance can reduce the accrual over the course of the year. Any fees or penalties that you accrue during the loan are added to the principle and will increase the EAR. These effective annual rates make sense as being the lowest because they are also in line with the lowest rates. Different lenders are able to offer different rates somewhat based on what type of lender they are, a mortgage lender or mortgage broker, each charging a different commission rate on the loan. Mortgage broker do not actually lend money and are used to help an individual find a direct loan, charging the consumer a fee for this service. While this is advantageous in that they will shop many lenders for you in an attempt to gain the best rate you will pay the associated fees, which are usually between 0.5-1 % of the loan value. The difference in rate will have a material impact on the con sumer because the value of the property will either decrease or increase with the market over the course of the loan. Investors may choose 30 year investment mortgages over other options because the value of the dollar while continue to decrease while the investment property and amount of payment remains the same. This is due to inflation of the economy and other market factors. References Today's Rate Results. (2012). Bank of America. Retrieved 2012, from Mortgage - Home Loans - Refinance - Mortgage Refinancing - Mortgage Rates - Home Equity. (2012). Retrieved 2012, from Mortgage, Refinancing, Home Loan, Mortgage Rates - GMAC Mortgage. (2012). Retrieved 2012, from Chase Mortgages - Home Lending | New or Refinance Mortgage Loans Online. (2012). CHASE Home: Personal Banking | Personal Lending | Retiremen t & Investing | Business Banking. Retrieved 2012,

Monday, October 7, 2019

World Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

World Systems - Essay Example World systems are hence a system that has been developed by a historian Immanuel Wallerstein. He talked about economic forces interacting not within limits, rather on a global basis. This he said would be because of globalization and trade links throughout the world. However, he also said that the when world cannot be said to be in regards with this, rather it can be said that these changes and interactions can be talked to be about on a large scale. He gave the idea of the existence of three factors that shall be talked about in the following paragraphs. He related his ideas to capitalist and non-capitalist movements. He explained how certain societies developed while others did not because of their positions on world today and previously. These societies obviously in the context of social systems in accordance with world's systems approach. (, n.d.) World systems theory does not come under social sciences by any way. It basically creates a wholesome form of a theory that takes into account economic, political and social characteristics and phenomenon that can be related to the events occurring throughout the world. Immanuel Wallerstein came up with this theory. His approach was very provocative and would focus on not just mere analytical proof rather on justifications related to psychological as well as ideological in nature. World systems approach aims at being a telescope rather than a microscope so as to focus on events and speculate accordingly. Global interaction is a main aim to understanding how events occur throughout the world. Wallerstein talked about world systems exiting in three categories. These categories being pertinent to specific areas places and countries. These three categories include the following: Core Periphery Semi-periphery The differences between rich and poor can be shown through the relationship that is depicted by core and periphery. This shows also, the income disparities that exist between the two. Semi periphery however, is more complex. It basically has a relationship with the others that is a little difficult to understand and relate to. Wallerstein overall had the grasp of all the key elements or categories and hence could then be used in the controlling forces that define the changes that occur initiating or maintaining changes and movement in the world. Wallerstein was one often first to think of a system that was different than the earlier developed theories relating to nations and countries and their movements or changes. He described how this theory can be used to study further how all global entities interact with each other. This theory was developed after the Marxist one. The latter provided concepts relating to how different individual units like each country go through each stage of functioning that is either development, sustaining or even in some cases under- development. Dependency theories as they were called would focus on "unequal exchange' that is richer countries would be forced into having trading partnerships with poorer countries so that transfer of excess surplus from the rich countries to the poor ones could take place. Theorists claiming and supporting such views were people by the names of Frank, Samir Amin, Celsu Fertudo, and Henrique Cordoso. (Sommers, 2005) Effects In and during this century, we can see the effects of world systems on events by various examples. For instance, world labor regime when developed it brought ILO or international Labor Organization to it. Now, when this